GWO Basic Technical Training - Bolt Tightening(BTT-B)


Attendees of this course will gain a detailed understanding of the techniques and procedures of using hydraulic torque and tensioning equipment on wind turbine bolted connections.

Awarding Body

The Global Wind Organisation (GWO) establishes and promotes standardized safety training courses to ensure the global wind energy industry's workforce is equipped with essential skills, fostering professionalism and safety through industry collaboration and ongoing enhancements.

Learning Outcomes

  • Prepare equipment for the assembly and tightening of wind turbine bolted connections using hydraulic torque and tensioning equipment.
  • Assemble wind turbine bolted connections.
  • Tighten wind turbine bolts using hydraulic torque and tensioning equipment.
  • Reinstate the workplace after the assembly and tightening of wind turbine bolted connections using hydraulic torque and tensioning equipment.

Start Time

End Time


1 Day

Course Structure




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