Full EPC Scope - Stair Replacement

At A Glance


The structural steel of aging North Sea assets is suffering from heavy corrosion and maintaining safe levels of integrity in these locations is always a challenge for Oil & Gas operators. Due to logistics constraints the replacement stair had to be designed in two section with a mid-air join. Crane access was restricted due to the overhang of the helideck.

Value to Client

R&M’s “cradle to grave” model included offshore survey, engineering, design, fabrication and offshore construction with rope access, representing a full EPC scope, thus generating significant savings both in terms of time and budget.

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Repair of the west stair connecting module 1 with the roof deck in a North Sea asset which had been taken out of service due to its condition.

Key Details

Stair Replacement
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Replacement of the entire stairway and handrails, as due to installation costs, it was more economical to proceed with complete replacements than carry out multiple repairs.


Down time was significantly reduced due to a comprehensive handling of the project and planning.


Planning and support throughout with our dedicated team gave peace of mind throughout the project for our client.

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