'Altitude’ Uptower Generator Tool development

At a Glance


Designing and fitting the fixture around the tight space of the generator up-tower. Cutting and patching a hole in the nacelle to remove the rotor. Implementing an unconventional yacht access flange for nacelle patching.

Value to Client

·      Cost savings by avoiding expensive generator replacements and minimizing crane usage.

·      Enhanced reliability through proactive identification and resolution of generator stator issues up-tower.

·      Improved operational efficiency with a more streamlined maintenance approach.

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To investigate and understand the cause of catastrophic stator failures caused by wedges securing the coils breaking free. The team aimed to explore preventive measures to avoid these failures and subsequent costly generator replacements.

Key Details

Development of the 'Altitude’ Uptower Generator Tool
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In collaboration with our partners, developed and engineered a proprietary fixture machined from solid aluminium to fit up-tower. This fixture enabled:

Disassembly and removal of the rotor up-tower.


Access tore-wedge the stator to prevent coil vibration and shorting.


Included attachments for machining the rotor journals and dual plane balancing the rotor to ensure optimal performance after maintenance.

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