Tower Cleaning

At a Glance


The high heat index at the site, often exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit, limited the ability to work on several days. Implementing solutions such as additional breaks, rotational crews, and night shifts to mitigate the impact of extreme weather conditions.

Value to Client

·      Cost-effective solution that met the client's needs.

·      Resolution of the grease buildup issue.

·      Significant improvement in the overall appearance of the site.

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To develop an efficient cleaning method for removing heavy grease and oil buildup from the towers without causing waste water discharge to the ground, overcoming the limitations of previous robotic solutions.

Key Details

Tower Cleaning
Texas, USA
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Various pressure washing setups were tested.


Developed a straightforward yet effective method using degreaser, brushes, and rags.


Achieved thorough cleaning of towers without requiring wastewater disposal, completing each tower in 1-2 days depending on the buildup severity.

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