Aurora Energy Services is an international, multi-disciplinary services company, with extensive expertise in the energy sector and helping our customers maximise lifespan and returns from their energy assets, both on and offshore. For a comprehensive overview, click here to view our digital brochure.

Un nuevo amanecer para servicios de energía

Nos apasiona impulsar la transición energética. Nuestro equipo combina décadas de experiencia en petróleo y gas y, más recientemente, en energías renovables.

La cultura de Aurora se centra en crear oportunidades y desarrollar habilidades para toda nuestra gente.

Al combinar tecnología, experiencia y capacitación, ofrecemos a nuestros clientes soluciones seguras y centradas en el servicio. Aurora ofrece una amplia gama de servicios que abarcan las fases de construcción, mantenimiento y desmantelamiento de todos los activos energéticos.

Estamos impulsando la transición energética Adelante.

Nuestras habilidades altamente especializadas se concentran en proporcionar instalación, inspección y mantenimiento de activos energéticos en tierra y en alta mar en todo el mundo. También ofrecemos una gama única de servicios a nuestros clientes. Para obtener más información, visite nuestro página de servicios.

También ofrecemos formación certificada por GWO, ECITB e IRATA para técnicos de aerogeneradores para apoyar el crecimiento de la industria eólica. Nuestra formación está orientada deliberadamente a ayudar a los trabajadores del sector del petróleo y el gas a adquirir habilidades adicionales que les permitan formar parte de la transición energética. Para obtener más información, visite nuestra Página de formación.
Aurora Logo shows a twisting helix going from dark blue to bright green

Why Aurora?

Everything we do in Aurora is focused on delivering for each customer a safe, high quality service, tailored to their individual needs. 

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Everything Under One Roof

Aurora delivers a true one stop solution, a strategic mix of complementary skillsets combined with advanced technologies and creative thinking, embracing new ideas and providing safe and innovative solutions for customers.  
three people standing side by side

We invest in Relationships

Aurora is focused on people, and the value of teamwork and collaboration. We invest time and effort in building relationships that are based on mutual respect and delivering on commitments, with our workforce and our clients. 
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We have the Technology

Aurora has invested in a broad set of software tools designed to bring efficiency and consistency to our processes and workflows. Our technology enables an integrated view on all the information we are working with. Using this comprehensive set of tools allows our engineers to track project work and progress in great detail, and enhances our client's participation in, and visibility of, that progress.
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We offer complete services

Aurora offers a fully managed service for wind turbine blades. That means we provide quality inspection for the blade after manufacture, we electronically track and monitor the handling and shipment of blades from factory to point of fitment. Once they arrive at the site, we complete delivery inspections as well as post construction baseline inspections. We are able to carry out periodic inspections as required by owner, report on blade wear based on comparison reporting, advise on repair works, carry out repairs and provide upgrades such as LEP (Leading Edge Protection) or any other blade furniture maintenance, repair and improvement.
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We take competency seriously

Competency is critical to us and our clients, and Aurora ensures that our training exceeds standard programs. One of the important ways we do this is to promote realism so we can better prepare our candidates to operate safely in all the environments they work in.  Aurora will lead and innovate to provide the highest calibre technicians to the sectors in which we operate.
two hands shaking

We have Local Partnerships

At Aurora we take every opportunity to utilise the skills of local service providers.
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