ECITB Advanced Hub Rescue


The ECITB Advanced Hub Rescue course builds upon skills taught during a wind specific working at height course, and equips learners with rescue techniques specific to a wind turbine hub area. The course covers:
  • Legislation
  • Hazards associated with turbines and hub entry
  • The use of PFPE and rescue equipment to carry out a casualty evacuation from the hub area
  • Casualty assessment and packaging, utilising a range of industry standard stretchers and equipment
  • Practical exercises and scenarios

Awarding Body

The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB)oversees training, certification, and standards in the engineering construction industry in the UK, ensuring workers possess requisite skills and qualifications to maintain industry standards and safety regulations.

Learning Outcomes

Learners will be able to carry out the necessary actions to conduct the safe rescue of a casualty from the hub area of a wind turbine, using industry standard equipment.  

Start Time

End Time


1 Day

Course Structure



ECITB / GWO Working at Height

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