Blade X-Ray Inspection

At a Glance


Weather conditions often pose a challenge for rope access inspections. Validating the X-ray inspection method on the ground before applying it up tower.

Value to Client

The client was able to identify internal construction defects that were not visible on the surface, resolving a significant unknown issue and enhancing blade reliability.

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Identify the cause of blade failures likely due to internal construction waves that traditional inspection methods could not detect.

Key Details

Blade X-Ray Inspection
Texas, USA
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Initially,Aurora proposed using Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) on the blade's exterior, which required rope access...


However,PAUT is a time-intensive and delicate process. Instead, Aurora suggested performing X-ray inspections from the interior of the blade...


This method proved to be safer, faster, and more effective for on site inspections, successfully identifying the internal defects.

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