Wet Gas Pipework (R&M)

At a Glance


Fast track project with an extremely tight schedule (16 weeks). Complex logistics due to offshore construction. Technical challenges associated with the material transition from carbon steel to duplex.

Value to Client

This project was to replace 300 meters of existing process gas pipework, transitioning from carbon steel to duplex material, within a 16-week timeframe.

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This project was to replace 300 meters of existing process gas pipework, transitioning from carbon steel to duplex material, within a 16-week timeframe.

Key Details

Wet Gas Pipework Replacement
March 2022
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·       Developed detailed engineering deliverables including 23 piping isometrics, 23 pipe support configurations, and 14 P&IDs.


·       Conducted a341-hour intensive stress engineering phase to ensure the pipework could withstand operational conditions.


·       Prepared comprehensive construction work packs for efficient offshore execution, ensuring adherence to safety protocols and quality control.

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